Utility, Excavation & Vegetation
Management Contractors

Working with the latest laser guided and GPS leveling systems, precise control of grade can be maintained throughout the process, which eliminates many man hours and unnecessary steps. Our equipment ranges from our mini excavators, GPS Controlled skidloaders and bulldozers up to our large dual pan tractor pulled scrapers.

Sales: Wabash Utilities can help you with your landscaping needs with our processed/screened topsoil and mulch. We offer topsoil that is excellent for landscaping and grading that is free of clumps and rocks perfect for yards and planting beds.

We offer several different types of tracked excavator mounted rotating drum grinders and skidloader mounted Fecon grinding heads. These ‘tree hungry’ mulcher/grinders turn any size or species of tree or brush into manageable and environmentally suitable mulch that is distributed over the project work area in one simple process.

We install and repair of sophisticated pressurized steam and piping, municipal water distribution and filtrations systems as well as site storm, sanitary sewer and water collection and retention systems. Working in tight confined spaces is par for the course in some of these applications.